Who: Taco Bell & Deutsch LA activate a pop-up museum experience at VidCon 2015.

Location: Anaheim Convention Center, CA

The Challenge: Create a pop-up “Viewseum” highlighting artifacts from YouTuber influencers to inspire positive social media engagement with Taco Bell’s millennial demographic.

Designed Experience: Guests enter an open, inviting, and interactive museum with recreated sets of their favorite YouTubers. Visual and ambient stimuli from floor to ceiling, left to right, and highly share-worthy eye-candy for photo opportunities personalize the fan experience. Large scale mosaic wall, info-graphics, web page, and branding delight the attendees. Interactive build-your-own takeaways celebrate and reward creation.

Results: 9,800,000+ social media impressions, trending hashtag, 3,000+ premium giveaway interactions, 7,500+ estimated photo shares, 3,600+ images printouts, and authentic brand love.

Creating Authentic Brand Love Through Creativity, Design, and Interactive - VidCon 2015 Taco Bell Sponsorship